stock code:002323
  • General Staff
    Hot recruit
Job Requirements:普通员工
Number of people needed:4 people
Monthly salary:10K
Company:Shandong Yabo Technology Co., Ltd.
Work Place:Beijing
Job Requirements
1. Bachelor degree or above, majors in news media, Chinese language and literature are preferred;
2. Excellent writing skills, strong logical thinking, and certain language expression and communication skills;
3. Strong work initiative, capable of thinking, strong execution, strong learning ability, and teamwork spirit;
4. Good professional ethics, cheerful personality, good interpersonal communication and coordination skills.

Job Responsibilities
1. Write the company's internal and external news articles, be familiar with the website, WeChat and other network media and form a good maintenance;
2. Responsible for the arrangement and production of the company's internal publications and various external publicity documents;
3. Cooperate with the chairman of the board, and be responsible for formulating the company's publicity strategy, enhancing the company's external brand image, and expanding the company's reputation and influence;
4. Other tasks assigned by superiors.

Onboarding process

Induction Process

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